(2021 Tokyo Olympics - Triple jump podium - Zhu Yaming, Pedro Pichardo and Hugues Zango, left to right)

5:11 AM (2/2/22): "Ever since a Fall 2016 indoor track meet at the Ocean Breeze Athletic complex, in Staten Island, NY... in which I had taken '3' jumps, and allegedly jumped '53 feet even' on the third one (after the first was 47'0" and the second a 'foul')... I had retained the hope that with the 'right guidance' and weight training/conditioning... I would have the means to be a formidable force... in the triple jump, at the international level... The '53 footer (16.15 meters*),' was not ratified as official, because I recollect a dude shaking his head... as though he was thinking, 'this can't be real,' after the jump had been executed... and then he and some other official said that the measuring device was 'not taut (straight),' and recalibrations... had to be made... So, in a sense... I concluded they were disputing the 'board distances' to the pit, after the measuring..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:17 AM (2/2/22): "Nevertheless, I had resumed triple jump training (after a hiatus in time, which had followed the 2016 'upset') on 8/16/18... Such consisted of plyometrics initially and sprinting, but as of my time in University City, MO... where I worked on my 'Theory of Dimensional Limitation' for 7 months (after some work at Eastern Virginia Medical School), I have been walking about 2 miles daily... ever since..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:24 AM (2/2/22): "A look at the 2021 Olympics triple jump competition..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Portugal's Pedro Pichardo can't be caught, leaps to triple jump gold at Tokyo Olympics | NBC Sports - YouTube 


The 'atmospheric vibe' of this competition, felt like 'golfing'... likely due to the 'spectator restraints,' due to COVID-19

Tokyo Olympics Will Allow Domestic Spectators - The New York Times ( 


Discussion of some endeavors of mine, in the past and future (East Orange, NJ - 1:17 PM on 3/13/22) - YouTube


5:28 AM (2/2/22): See:

Hazy - Cosmos & Jonathan Edwards (Manchester 2002): [video juxtaposition, featuring Jonathan Edwards (present triple jump world record holder) competing at age 36... and achieving a distance of 17.86 meters (58'7")]

jonathan edwards triple jump - Google Search 

Regarding the distance of 53" (16.15 meters), I guess I am 'with Jesus'... but as an experienced 'amateur triple jumper'... I know that there is a difference between 'talent and genius,' and many factors/variables... such as 'weight lifting,' technique, and environment/location.. influence, one's distances... Over time, the 'skill level' of the average competitor, changes - such can serve as catalysts, for certain performances... 

Triple jump world record progression - Wikipedia


Edwards recalls world record-breaking triple jump | World Athletics

“Some people walk down a path, while expecting to find fruits (of their labor)… and they don’t find any… A dream is a goal, with a deadline… but there is a difference, between dreams and goals… given that the latter, tend to be more practical… and one should always be mindful of which direction to move, if the need for a detour… arises…” – Michael Izuchukwu, 9:41 AM (9/25/22)

[from '']


Interesting video... worth a read...

A nice tune... In life, I live as though I am preparing for the phase which follows... as opposed to the one, we believe we know...


Interesting video of a female, enjoying the outdoors with her dad... who kind of resembles President David Leebron, of Rice University...

8:17-9:41 of this video, was the most intriguing for me... Given I was at Eastern Virginia Medical School in a remote capacity, from the Fall of 2016 to the Spring of 2019 (until my work there, in May 2019 and June 2019... when I was on-campus)... I did not have the traditional student experience... which facilitates the ability, to optimize one's network of peers... I did have a few associates, whose names I cannot recollect... that had been stored on a former laptop of mine, which was 'involuntarily disabled' in the Fall of 2019... when I had been in Philadelphia, PA..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Regarding where I stayed for the 4 months I was in Virginia, in 2019:
1. "I stayed at this dude's place (a person I befriended, at the Virginia Beach Psychiatric Center), for a weekend... 
I may have gone there in April 2019, given I was rationing my financial reserves. At the time, I was new to the area... and I also was seeking 'housing accommodation'... due to the nature, of my 'familial relations'...)" - Michael Izuchukwu
2. "I also was at the Westin Hotel, in the Pembroke area... of Virginia Beach, VA, for 3-4 weeks... having been covered, by an associate of the individual... who had helped facilitate my studies at Eastern Virginia Medical School (who had known my dad)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(photo of the lobby area, of the Westin hotel... sometime in the summer of 2019)

3. "I also cohabited at a dude's place in the neighborhood of Ghent, in Norfolk, VA... for about 3 weeks... Aside from those intervals of time, I was essentially a 'vagrant'... given I had no permanent address, in Virginia... and I had to be resourceful..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"I happened to attend the Onelife Fitness center, with Taha... on at least 2 occasions, when I was in Virginia... The first time was during 'the weekend' that we had cohabited, and there was a subsequent time... when I had been walking quite far... and just happened, to cross paths with him... weeks later (at night, when he had been with his dad)... I didn't have any membership, but I believe it was his dad who was kind enough... to cover the expense, of the visitations..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(Onelife Fitness center, of Virginia Beach, VA)

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